Effectiveness of training sessions on basic life support in terms of knowledge and practices among nursing students

Author Name: Prof. (Dr.) Anjalatchi Muthukumaran, Mrs. Firoz Zahra,  Mrs. Pooja Mishra, Mrs. Anjali Verma, Ms. Neha Singh, and Ms. Renu Sharma

Volume: 02/01

Country: INDIA

DOI NO.: 02.2024-37392575 DOI Link: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2024-37392575/GIJNR


  1. Vice Principal, Era college of nursing, Era University, Sarfrazganj, Lucknow 226003.
  2. M. Sc. Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing, Sub-Specialty Cardiovascular Thoracic Nursing, Assistant professor Era university sarfrazganj, Lucknow.
  3. M. Sc. Nursing Speciality- M.S.N, Sub – Speciality (Cardio -Thoracic Nursing) sarfrazganj, Lucknow.
  4. Assistant professor M.Sc. Nursing (Medical Surgical Nursing) Subspecialty (CTVS) sarfrazganj, Lucknow.
  5. B. Sc Senior Nursing tutor, Era College of Nursing, sarfrazganj, Lucknow.
  6. B. Sc. (N) Nursing Tutor, Era College of Nursing, sarfrazganj, Lucknow.


Introduction: Basic life support (BLS) is a critical skill for both healthcare professionals and laypersons, allowing them to respond effectively in emergency situations to save lives. Our study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude of nursing students towards BLS techniques through the implementation of a checklist-guided demonstration. Conducted under the supervision of an American Heart Association (AHA) trainer, this initiative aimed to equip students with the necessary competencies to independently perform CPR techniques. Aim: The primary aim was to evaluate the students’ ability to independently practice CPR techniques without assistance, while the secondary objective was to gauge their knowledge of basic life support. Method: A purposive sampling technique was employed to select participants, consisting of B.Sc. Nursing students in their third semester. Data was collected through structured questionnaires supplemented with a demonstration using a checklist. Results: Sixty-seven female students participated in the study. Pre-test assessment revealed an average knowledge score of 15.75±4.52, with 49% of participants demonstrating an average level of knowledge. Following the intervention, the post-test average score significantly increased to 26.54±5.92, with 64% of participants exhibiting a good level of knowledge. Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of efficient and consistent CPR training in preparing individuals to respond effectively to crisis situations. Both healthcare organizations and individual providers should prioritize BLS training to enhance confidence in CPR success and potentially save lives. Future research should explore the impact of varying BLS training frequencies and target groups to optimize emergency response preparedness.

Key words: Assess, Knowledge, basic life support, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, b.sc nursing students

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